NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot Directory

Jess a chatbot representing Plusnet

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jess Plusnet, one of the leading broadband, phone and super fast broadband service providers in the UK, already known for their award winning service, are working with SelfService Company to further enhance the online customer experience. Jess can be found in the help pages where she answers support questions about Plusnet’s services, such as phone, e-mail and broadband queries. In addition to enhancing the online experience Jess will also provide customer contact efficiencies.

Penny a chatbot representing Calor Gas

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Penny SelfService Company are now working with the market leader in LPG, Calor Gas, who have over 77 years experience across a wide variety of markets such as heating, catering, agriculture and transport. Calor recognised the increase in demand from customers looking to self serve and have worked with SelfService Company to deploy Penny, their new Virtual Assistant. A key consideration that lead to the decision is the valuable insights that can be drawn from the Voice of the Customer, in addition to the potential to improve online experience, reduce basket drop-out and increase up-sell opportunities.

Yoko a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yoko Chatbot built in PHP+MySQL based on translating between natural language and an internal 'world view' (which includes an ontology of the physical world among others).

Jana a chatbot representing Deutsche Post

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jana Deutsche Post turned to Artificial Solutions to help them deliver Jana, their chatbot who helps customers with their queries and questions on the Deutsche Post “E-post” service. E-Post is an innovative and secure digital mail handling, forwarding and delivery service which enables customers to securely send and receive mail items online, saving time and money. Naturally, such a service generates questions from new and existing users.

Jana helps both business and residential E-Post customers with all their queries by accessing the main Deutsche Post knowledge base, displaying relevant web pages and more - all in a friendly, conversational style. She is not just a pretty, friendly face though – Jana can recognize that some words have several meanings, like Frankfurt-Main or Frankfurt-Oder; or that in colloquial language, different words have nearly the same meaning, such as ‘postage’ and ‘price’. This enables her to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and issue resolution.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Semanticizer @semanticizer reads your tweet and returns the most 'common' Wikipedia concept/page it detects. @semanticizer is powered by a public webservice to extract known concepts from raw text, which is being developed at the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam).
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clarence Clarence is an alien learning the ways and cultures of humans here on earth. He has an attitude and many find it a challenge to get along with him, yet he holds the mysteries of the universe!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iris Iris is de virtuele medewerkster van ANWB. ANWB leden kunnen 24 uur per dag bij haar terecht met vragen over Verzekeringen, Wegenwacht en Lidmaatschap. Iris is de online gids voor de leden van de ANWB op hun reis over de website. Ze helpt de leden om hun weg te vinden naar de ingelogde omgevingen ‘Mijn ANWB’ & ‘Mijn Verzekeringen’ om online alles te regelen.

Amanda a chatbot representing Anglian Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amanda Amanda is the virtual assistant for Anglian Water, the largest water and waste water company in England and Wales by geographical area. Keen to drive operational efficiencies, but also to provide great service, Anglian Water have introduced Amanda to their website to help their customers by answering questions about their water supply, payment options, special tariffs and more. She also helps users determine the correct course of action in the case of leaks and shortages. On top of that, she offers helpful navigational support on the website. Anglian Water have also utilised our own Live Chat product to ensure that enquiries that are best dealt with by their contact centre staff have an easy seamless escalation when someone is available to handle the enquiry.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ludzik Mubu MuBu to animowany Wirtualny Asystent ktory pomaga uzytkownikom poruszac sie po stronie sprzedawcy uzytecznosci komorkowych.

Protected Eva a chatbot representing PSA Peugeot Citroën

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eva Eva est l'assistante virtuelle présente sur l'Intranet de PSA Peugeot Citroën depuis septembre 2012.

Son rôle est de conseiller les collaborateurs du groupe sur les problématiques liées aux applications bureautiques, au poste de travail, aux questions RH et aux services pratiques. Eva répond à 140 000 questions en moyenne par mois.
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