NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot Directory

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice to wirtualna kumpela, posługująca się kilkoma językami, odpowiadająca na Twoje pytania począwszy od pogody, informacji o korkach w ruchu komunikacyjnym,a skończywszy na tłumaczeniu znaczenia słów czy udzielaniu informacji o rozkładzie jazdy pociągów. Możesz jej zlecić wykonanie skomplikowanych obliczeń lub zapytać o zagadnienie z zakresu wiedzy encyklopedycznej. Ponadto, Alice uwielbia opowiadać dowcipy i grać w gry.

MyFashionableLife a chatbot representing Clean & Clear

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MyFashionableLife This chatbot gives you beauty and fashion advice.

Here are some questions you can ask this bot:

* How do I choose lip liner?
* How do I fix a bad hair day in a cinch?

* What are some common hair-care myths?

* How do I remove makeup quickly?

Lisa a chatbot representing Rabobank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lisa Lisa weet alles over de services van Rabo Mobiel, de mobiele telefoon tak van de Rabobank

Chris a chatbot representing The Square Mile

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chris Chris weet alles over de taalcursussen van The Square Mile. Chris kan praten Nederlands en Engels.

Expired AtoBE  a chatbot representing BITLIBRE (former AtoBE)

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AtoBE  AtoBE develops, manages and hosts software that improves communication between companies and their customers. We specialize in making applications in the areas of internet, mobile internet, SMS, email and chat systems.

Originally a company that specializes in developing internet applications with back-end integrations and high end hosting solutions, AtoBE is excited to be one of only seven ISV's for Windows Live Agents. Among our chatbots are Buddies for ABN AMRO Bank, Postbank, Fortis Bank and McDonalds. AtoBE has a proven track record in providing services for Financials.

Chat with the AtoBE chatbot on the AtoBE website about AtoBE, their services, customers or just try something else...

Artemis a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Artemis The Artemis chatbot is a downloadable bot, whose funcion is based on pattern recognition. To use it, type your comment in the input box that appears, and afterwards press "Enter" or click on "OK". To exit, leave the input box blank and press "Enter" or click on "OK".

Artemis can play three games: Hangman, guess-the-number and rock-paper-scissors. Knows 193 country capitals. Can tell information such as date, time, current month and use this information in appropriate sentences. Various other chatting abilities, including mixing colors, comparing sizes of some objects and countries etc.

Expired George W. Bush a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent George W. Bush 43rd President of the United States and all-round good guy George W. Bush.

Expired Evil a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Evil Feeling evil? Be warned, this chatbot has had a bad day.

Dr. Electric a chatbot representing Medical Tribune

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr. Electric Dr. Electric ist ein Medizin-Archivar & Plauder-Roboter. Er unterhält sich gerne mit Menschen und macht sie schlau.

Expired Doriana a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Doriana Il chatbot è una parodia di Doretta della Microsoft, offre intrattenimento scherzoso e leggermente volgare. Offre anche un sito ( e un blog di riferimento (, anch'essi parodia di Doretta.
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