NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot Directory

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Xiaoi 小i机器人是在互联网非常流行的智能聊天机器人,i的含义是internet、intelligent、incesoft,同时也是"爱"的谐音。小i机器人谈吐幽默、反应快速智能,得到很多网友的喜爱。他可以和用户插科打诨,也可以为用户提供必要的信息查询,比如天气查询、股票信息查询、交通信息等; 不仅如此用户还可以和他玩游戏,例如21点、猜谜、成语接龙等。小i机器人提供的服务内容涵盖娱乐、生活、工作、学习、实用工具等多个方面,所有的服务都可以通过对话或命令触发,充分体现出小i机器人"智能、整合"的特点。

Expired Landru a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Landru Opens with a photo of botmaster Robby Garner sticking out his tongue. He is very confrontational in the rest of his photos, which vary between "Landru" from Star Trek and Garner getting "in your face." The script is mostly ALICE.

No more information about this contact us if you could provide us with additional information.

Expired ESP Billy a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ESP Billy ESP Billy was a chatbot that was introduced for a movie. Start and stop date are estimated.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yvette Yvette is haar leven ooit begonnen als de brand buddy van het inmiddels opgeheven Rabobank Young Dynamics, het toenmalige jongerenmerk van Rabobank.
Tegenwoordig wordt Yevette omschreven als Jongerencoach van Rabobank.

Yvette claimt allerlei financiële vragen te kunnen beantwoorden. Yvette is opgegroeid als webbot maar heeft nu een volwaardig plekje gevonden tussen de contactpersonen van Nederlandse Messenger gebruikers. Via Yvette kan je nu ook je saldo en laatste drie transacties zien op MSN.

Randall a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Randall Randall is a chatbot: a program to imitate human language. It learns by mimicking what is said to it and will often put words together into original, though fractured and silly, sentences. "Randall" is an acronym that stands for "Recursively Analyse

Motbot English a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Motbot English Motbot is a self learning chatbot. He only talks about things, which he has learned by users - not from admins or botmasters. He is free ...and evil.
Do not talk about subjects which are against laws. (no dirty talk, no racial discrimination )
The login time and IP will be saved. If you use the chatbot, you could get angry or insulted.

Motbot Deutsch a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Motbot Deutsch chatten sie mit "Motbot" - der wohl lernfähigste deutschsprachige Chatbot

alienchat a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent alienchat A bot that supposedly intercepts alien transmissions

Halo Rossini a chatbot representing Daden Limited

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Halo Rossini Halo Rossini lives and works in Second Life. She twitters, blogs and moves around Daden Prime answering questions.

Liketribe business a chatbot representing Liketribe

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Liketribe business Do you...

* supply local information and want to help people get advice from wherever they are?
* have high customer service costs in certain areas of your business?
* want to improve your employees' access to information and services while they are on the go?
* want to develop a brand personality using highly visible people such as celebrities?
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