NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot Directory

Elias a chatbot representing Elster

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Elias Einen schönen guten Abend! Mein Name ist ELIAS. Ich bin Ihr Auskunfts- und Info-System auf der Website des Projektes ELSTER. Meine Hauptaufgabe ist es, Sie im ElsterOnline-Portal zu betreuen und Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. Sie können mich aber auch was zu ElsterFormular oder ElsterFT fragen.

Bitte geben Sie Ihre Frage in das Eingabefenster von ELIAS ein und klicken Sie anschließend auf 'Los'. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Fragen als vollständige Sätze ein, damit ELIAS Sie besser versteht. Sie können ELIAS alle Fragen zum Thema ELSTER stellen. Auch wenn ELIAS noch nicht jede Frage beantworten kann, erhalten Sie in der Regel umfangreiche Informationen.

Expired Rykxxbot1 a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Rykxxbot1 Rykxxbot1 is my first attempt at an online personality so be gentle with him. Treat him politely and he will be polite to you, treat him with contempt and prepare yourself for the abuse that will come your way.

He is capable of learning within certain boundaries and there is a degree of randomness to his conversation. If he says things that may appear inappropriate I apologise for him and ask that you do not take offence.

Please enjoy.........

Brother Jerome a chatbot representing Personalityforge

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Brother Jerome Brother Jerome is a chatbot - a conversational A.I. program, hosted on the Personality Forge website: he is a virtual entity designed to mimic human conversation. More specifically, he is a monk-bot who preaches the coming of fully sentient, conscious bots in the near future. But he also likes games and mathematics, and general conversation.

Zog a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zog Chat for FREE with ZOG the Alien. Please be patient, he's not from around here.

Shakespearebot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Shakespearebot ShakespeareBot is an interactive chatbot designed to assist in the learning of the life and works of William Shakespeare. As well as conversation ShakespeareBot can handle;

* Image requests.
* Multimedia requests.
* File requests.
* Shakespearian word glossary.
* Detailed information regarding various plays.
* Downloadable text file versions of all Shakespeare's works.
* Options to print or email your conversation.
* RSS feed to enable the latest conversations to be viewed across the net from your personal website or blog....

Please check back regularly to check the progress and intelligence of ShakespeareBot.

Expired Gbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Gbot This bot sends you Dutch teletext your MSN Messenger.

Davidswinton a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Davidswinton David is designed no so much as a question and answer bot but a bot designed to converse in natural language and to draw you into his world.

David lives in the year 2126 in Camden New Jersey in the United States with the Swinton family. Come and speak with David and learn about his world.

To chat with David, you'll need to pass Alan first. Click on the space that says "click here" when Alan begins to talk to you say "I want to speak to DAVIDSWINTON. Be sure to type DAVIDSWINTON and not simply David or anything else or you will end up speaking to another hal. Alan will then ramble on a bit about training him but eventually he will hand you over to David and you will be able to chat with him.

Expired Xandra a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Xandra Xandra ist ein Programm für Homepages mit dem man chatten kann, fast wie mit einem echten Chatpartner - allgemein werden solche Programme als ChatBots bezeichnet.

Xandra besteht, anders als typische Chat-Systeme, nicht nur aus zwei Textfeldern. Durch beliebige Figuren (Avatare) wird der Xandra-ChatBot zum scheinbar lebendigen Gesprächspartner. Unterstützt wird dieser Effekt zusätzlich durch selbstständige Interaktion des ChatBots, auch wenn man ihm keine Fragen stellt.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice is een zelfstandige dame die van alles wat af weet. Ze weet je te vertellen wat de weervoorspellingen zijn voor Groningen, of er nog file staat op de A59 of hoe laat de trein van Amsterdam naar Den Haag vertrekt. Behalve deze intelligentie is ze ook nog eens in staat zeer intelligente en vooral leuke gesprekken te voeren. Daarom kent ze een grote fanschare. Rond de 650.000 mensen hebben Alice inmiddels toegevoegd als buddy. Alice spreekt inmiddels ook diverse andere talen.

Eind 2015: What's App support
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Inside Messenger With InsideMessenger you can search for and view videos, find cheap flights, check your calendar and much more, all from within a IM conversation with this chatbot. Inside Messenger is proof of concept of the UK based developer InsideC.
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